भावाअशिप - वर्षा वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, जोरहाट, असम(भारत)
ICFRE - Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat

About Us



  • Biodiversity assessment and conservation.
  • Environment impact assessment.
  • Eco-restoration and rehabilitation of mined out areas and other stress / degraded / difficult sites.
  • Soil-vegetation inter-relationship for health improvement of stability and productivity of ecosystem.
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation issues with particular reference to the forest ecosystems.
  • Monitoring and assessment of soils of natural forests and plantations for sustainable productivity.
  • Criteria and indicators for sustainable management of lands for higher productivity.
  • Forest hydrology.
  • Other related contemporary forestry issues.







The division is having a well equipped GIS laboratory for creation, management, updating and sharing of GIS database regarding ecology and biodiversity of this region. The division also possesses a Botanical Garden with an area of 3.9 hectare having excellent facilities of a shade-cum-poly house and orchidarium. It also maintains a Herbarium.